2011.11.09 WED.
MUTEMATH <Mutemas>
ZIP FM presents JAPAN TOUR 2011
The powerful rhythm section, the melodias sound, is a "polis meets lady's head"
Released the new work "Od Seoul" and decided to come to Japan alone!
A must-see for the creative and strongest live performance that took life and death!
Advance sale ¥6,300
Tax included, reference number, standing
In 2008, "Mutemas" was released, and its powerful rhythm section and piano are a melody of a 4-piece band from New Orleans that appeared in sensational, also known as "Polys meets Radiohead".
And their charm is maximized in the live performance. In 2008 and 2009, his first visit to Japan, he performed continuously at SUMMER SONIC. In addition, at the Fuji Rock Festival '10, after stepping on the big stage of the Green Stage, the overwhelming live performance that was shown in Samasoni again this summer is highly regarded as "the best act of this year."
In fact, the unusual career of playing for the summer festival in Japan for four consecutive years suggests that they are the strongest live performance group. I heard unfortunate news that guitarists had withdrawn last fall, but this year we welcomed a new guitarist and came to Japan as a new mutemass. This summer she showed me even more powerful.
In 2009, the new album "Od Seoul", which has been released since "Armisties", was released on October 5.
The summer festival, the release of New Album, and a solo visit to Japan without a break, their momentum can no longer be stopped by anyone.
New album "Od Seoul" was released on October 5 for the first time in two years.