2012.02.05 SUN.
<Tedeschi Trucks Band>
featuring: ‘Derek Trucks’and ‘Susan Tedeschi’
A total of 11 transcendent technical groups led by Susan Tedeschi, landed from Japan!
Advance sale ¥8,500
Tax included, reference number, standing * Admission for those under 6 years old (preschool children) is not allowed.
[Members coming to Japan] (planned)
Derek Trucks (g) Susan Tedeschi (vo, g)
Otele Barbu Ridge (b) Kofi Barbu Ridge (key, fuel) Tyler Green Well (ds)
J. J. Johnson (ds) Mike Matison (Harmony Vocal) Mark Libers (Harmony Vocal)
Kebi Williams (sax) Morris Brown (tp) Songdas Salmons (tb)
Derek Trucks, a genius guitarist who started playing guitar at the age of nine, and his wife, a talented blues singer and guitarist, Susan Tedekiss, a total of 11 people.
The music that incorporates various music elements such as blues, Seoul, 60s rock, 70s rock, funk, jazz, gospel, Indian music, is a masterpiece.
"Japanese fans always welcomed us warmly, and this time it's our turn to cheer everyone up. I hope you will be looking forward to it because I will go to Japan and show you a powerful performance."
Derek Trucks says. I came to Japan for the first time.