2012.08.16 THU.
(Des Cab for Cuty)
The solo performance of Des Cab for Cuty in Nagoya will be decided!
Advance sale ¥6,000
Tax-included, reference number, standing, pre-school children are not allowed.
A four-person American indie rock band formed in Beringham, Washington in 1997. In 2005, he moved to Atlantic Records and released his fifth album, Plans. The album was highly acclaimed and certified as a platinum, and two singles that recorded gold sales, "Seoul Meets Body" and "I Will Follow You Intu The Dark", made a full-fledged break.
In 2009, "The Open Door EP" received nominations in the Grammy Award "Best Alternative Album" category for the third consecutive year. In Japan, he came to Japan alone in 2003, 2004 and 2009, and also appeared in Summer Sonics 05 and 08. The ability of this live is also widely known to Japanese fans.