2016.02.15 MON.
Czecho No Republic
Guest : Mrs. GREEN APPLE
Higashi Meihan QUATTRO 2 Man [1 ON 1 TOUR]
In addition to the performance of the Hibi Tanino Foreign Music Hall in early summer, the third album "Santa Fe" release tour, the final of the final, Tokyo Zepp DiverCity One Man, Czecho No Republic.
Starting in 2016, we will hold a ban event planned by ourselves in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka!
As the title [1 ON 1], don't miss a one-on-one hot live!
Starting in 2016, we will hold a ban event planned by ourselves in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka!
As the title [1 ON 1], don't miss a one-on-one hot live!
Advance sale ¥3,500
Tax included, with reference number, standing