2022.07.16 SAT.
Chou Chou Cream / CHU'S HYPER / CYCLONISTA / FaM / GRATIA-ALA / HO6LA / INUWASI / MAGMAZ / mistress / NEMURIORCA / On the treatment Super Season / PLEVAIL / PRSMIN / RASCAL CLAN / SAISON / SiLENT NOiSE / chyosugala / Zhous It's 8 bits in my head! /Bubble Partys / From ☆Stag → And everyone is siranai. / greedy sensation
RAD JAM eve festival
Advance sale ¥3,800
¥4,500 on the day
※Tickets required for 6 years and older
※Physical contact and voice calls by customers during live performances are prohibited.