2025.03.11 TUE.
<Dark Transcurity>
Japan Tour 2025
Return to Japan!
In August 2024, the latest album "End Time SIGNALs", featuring dark transcurity, was released. After defeating the silence in Japan, the long-awaited visit to Japan was decided.
Since its formation in 1989, the End Time SIGNALs, created by adding new members, Christians, and Yoakim, who have made innovative progress every single album and has taken the path to this day, has made a further step-up in the balance between aggression and silence.
How do you express their determination on stage on the theme of uncertainty ahead after the death of many friends, including members, Frederick, during the pandemic? It's a must-see.
Mikael Stanne Mikael Stanne Mikael Stanne (vo)
Martin Brandström Martin Brand Strawm (key/syn)
Johan Reinholdz Johan Rain Holtz (g)
Christian Jansson Christian Jansson (b)
Advance sale ¥9,000
※Preschool children are not allowed to enter
【English & Chinese language service available】
Those who reside outside of Japan and wish to purchase tickets can do so via the following.
Selling start from 10am December 7th.
● e+ (e plus) 》》》https://ib.eplus.jp/darktranquillity