2011.08.01 MON.
Conono No.1, Kasai All Stars with Juana Morina, Skeletons
What is Congotronics?
Conno No. 1 and Kasai All Stars, which are made by connecting the traditional music and folk instruments of the Central African Democratic Republic of Congo to the Congo's thumb piano "Rikenbe" with amplifiers. A coined word that combines "Congo" and "electronics".
Conno No. 1 and Kasai All Stars, which are made by connecting the traditional music and folk instruments of the Central African Democratic Republic of Congo to the Congo's thumb piano "Rikenbe" with amplifiers. A coined word that combines "Congo" and "electronics".
Advance sale ¥6,000
¥6,500 on the day
Shibuya Club Quattro
[blue] Conono No.1 [/blue]