2012.06.09 SAT.
Marina Yamane
Good! Oh! It's the beginning!
Advance sale ¥4,000
Preschool children are not allowed to enter / Elementary school students must be accompanied by a guardian or charged.
[blue] [bold] Marina Yamane [/bold] [/blue]
Marina Yamane Official Site
Marina Yamane Profile
Born on July 17, 1989
A type 151cm from Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture
YouTube ID : 7208133
I've been longing for singers since I was a child.
Anyway, I love singing, and at my parents' house, I sang the guitar every day and sang loudly.
When I was a high school student, I formed a female duo with my friends.
He has been producing original songs, recording, and live on the street.
After going to college, he opened his own channel on YouTube in the spring of 2009.
I uploaded videos one after another in a row.
From time to time to time, "Mysterious Girl Who Plays and Sings the Guitar without Face" quickly gained a reputation on YouTube, and the number of subscribers increases rapidly.
Currently, more than 60 songs are uploaded on YouTube (original/cava), and the total number of playbacks exceeds 3.4 million, increasing the number of playbacks and subscribers to the channel, causing the dormouse phenomenon.
Debuted on CD in June 2011, and made a major debut from Warner Music Japan in the single "Jannu Dalk" in July.
The first one-man Shibuya gee-ge performance in August was sold out on the same day.
In the additional WWW performance, two-man live alone is also customary as Yamane Ma- vs Marina Yamane.
On November 30th, the cover album "Zakbaran" was released.