2012.12.04 TUE.
IWRESTLEDABEARONCE <I-Lesd Bear Ones> / Guest: THE CONTORTIONIST <The Conditionerist>
Super tech, superverted, and girls metal core.
The so-called Iwabo (IWABO) is decided on the next day!
The so-called Iwabo (IWABO) is decided on the next day!
Advance sale ¥5,000
Shibuya Club Quattro
Super tech, superverted, and girls metal core.
The so-called Iwabo (IWABO) is decided on the next day!
Born in Schlebport, Louisiana. The first album "It's All Happing," released in 2009, was ranked 122 for the first time in Billboard Top 200, and in 2010, ranked first in the HeatSeakers chart, which is often used to discover newcomers, and attracted attention. In the same year, he participated in the Warpd Tour.
The sound of their grinded cores, jazz, and electronica mixed together seems to be a combination of Dillinger Escape Plan with Radio Head and Bjork. In the second album "Ruining It For Everybody" released in 2011, it has been enhanced to a more violent and exciting sound, increasing expectations for a chaotic stage with intense tech performance. Courtney, who was replaced by the vocal Krysta, who retreated the line this summer due to "Congratulations," is a singer who never gets close to Krysta as it was featured in "Hottest Chicks In Metal" in "Revolver Magazine" released in September.
THE CONTORTIONIST is a progressive deathcore band formed in Indianapolis, Indiana in 2007. First in 2010. The album "Exoplanet" released its second album "Intrinsic" in July this year. The philosophical sound sometimes flies to the spiritual world, sometimes to the universe. A five-member super-tech sound with a kiy board will go beyond the scene and get a hot topic.